Venue & Hours
Grand Park
200 N Grand Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Saturday, November 11, 2023
Event Hours:
2pm – 11pm
Box Office / Will Call Hours:
2pm – 8pm
The event will take place rain or shine. Please keep up-to-date on weather reports and plan your attire and preparations accordingly.
Zero Tolerance
We have a zero-tolerance policy for drug use and possession. Police officers will be working inside and outside of the event, and all narcotics laws will be strictly enforced. Be responsible, and make smart choices.
Security & Entry
By purchasing a ticket, you agree to submit to a thorough, TSA-style search, including emptying your pockets and bags, having all of your items examined, a full pat-down, and possibly removing your shoes. We reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone.
Check out our Acceptable & Prohibited Items list to best prepare for entry!
Lost & Found
Lost & Found services will be available at the venue on show day. Check the festival map for specific locations.
Lost & Found Hours:
Saturday, 2pm – 11pm
At the conclusion of the festival, all items will be sent off site until claimed. Please use the tool below to search for your lost item by selecting Disco Trip from the dropdown menu.
This tool will only be active after the conclusion of the festival.
Ages & ID
You must be 21+ to enter Disco Trip. Photo ID required.
- Any US government-issued driver’s license or ID card containing a photograph and date of birth
- US or foreign government-issued passport containing a photograph and date of birth
- Foreign government-issued driver’s license/ID with color photocopy of passport (Not valid for 21+ wristband. To purchase alcohol or enter VIP areas, a physical passport or US ID will be required.)
- Temporary DMV documents proving you are currently renewing a license—ONLY if accompanied by passport or expired license
- NO School ID
- NO Consular ID
- NO Birth certificate
- NO Expired ID of any kind
- NO Photocopy of any ID (except as noted)
- NO Temporary DMV license without passport or expired license
Event Policies
- NO Re-entry/ins & outs per day
- NO Camping
- NO Refunds or exchanges
- NO Sitting on designated dancefloor areas
- NO Moshing, crowd-surfing or stage-diving
- NO Unauthorized/unlicensed vendors
- NO Unauthorized solicitations, handbills, sampling, giveaways, etc.
Acceptable Items

- YES Cell phones and portable chargers/external batteries
- YES Deodorant (must be sealed at entry)
- YES Earplugs
- YES Fanny packs
- YES Festival totems or decorated pool noodles (see Totem Guidelines)
- YES Flags/banners or handmade signs (no corporate/company-branded and no hard flagpoles)
- YES Glowsticks & glowing/illuminated costumes or jewelry
- YES Gum (must be sealed upon entry)
- YES Hula hoops—including LED hoops
- YES Hand sanitizer (sealed upon entry)
- YES Hydration packs with no more than two main compartments and one smaller compartment (must be empty upon entry)
- YES Inflatables (must be deflated upon entry)
- YES Juuls (one factory-sealed Juul Pod OK at entry)
- YES LED whips, pois & orbitals
- YES Lip balm, lip gloss, and lipstick (must be sealed upon entry)
- YES Non-professional flash/still cameras, handheld video devices under 6″ (Sony Action Cam, GoPro, Polaroids, etc.)
- YES Personal misting fan with a bottle no larger than 1.5L (must be empty upon arrival)
- YES Physician-prescribed medication that is not expired (must show physician’s prescription and consult with a safety officer upon entry. Only bring the amount of medication needed for the duration of the festival. Prescription must match ID.)
- YES Powder makeup (liquid makeup is prohibited)
- YES Rain ponchos and umbrellas measuring less than 10″ when collapsed
- YES Reusable water bottles (must be empty upon entry)
- YES Sealed Intranasal Naloxone
- YES Selfie sticks
- YES Small bags, single-compartment bags, plush bags, purses (maximum 12″x12″)
- YES Sunglasses & hats
- YES Sunscreen lotion (inspected upon entry)
- YES Tampons and pads (must be sealed at entry)
- YES Wet wipes (must be sealed at entry)
Prohibited Items
- NO Aerosol products/cans
- NO Balls or Frisbees
- NO Bota bags
- NO Costumes that resemble public safety uniforms (police, SWAT, fire, security, or medical) in any way
- NO Drones, remote-controlled aircraft, toys
- NO Drugs or drug paraphernalia
- NO Eye drops
- NO Gas masks
- NO Glass, cans, cups or coolers
- NO Helium balloons
- NO Illegal substances
- NO Large chains or spiked jewelry
- NO Large purses, bags or backpacks (over 12″×12″)
- NO Laser pointers and air horns
- NO LED gloves or LED microlights used for light shows
- NO Liquid makeup
- NO Markers, pens or spray paint
- NO Massagers
- NO Outside food or beverages (including alcohol and candy)
- NO Over-the-counter medication
- NO Pacifiers
- NO Pets
- NO Professional photo, video, or audio recording equipment (no detachable lenses, tripods, big zooms or commercial-use rigs)
- NO Red-colored light-up wands, batons, or lightsabers
- NO Stickers, flyers
- NO Stuffed animals or dolls
- NO Tents, large umbrellas, chairs or blankets
- NO Toy guns, water guns, slingshots
- NO Unsealed tampons or pads (upon entry)
- NO Weapon or weapon accessories of any kind, real or fictional (including whips, lightsabers, pocket knives, pepper spray, fireworks, fake weapons/props, etc.)
- NO Wind chairs/sofas
Totem Guidelines
- Maximum height is 10 feet.
- Totems must be made from a lightweight material (e.g., foam, PVC / no solid metal).
- Collapsible/telescoping camera extenders that follow the above guidelines are OK (lightweight/hollow aluminum/polycarbonate).
- PVC, light wood or aluminum poles must be no thicker than 1 inch in diameter.
- Decorated pool noodles work great for easy entrance through security.
- Inflatables attached to totems must be deflated upon entry.
- Any item deemed dangerous will not be allowed.
- Totems promoting illegal activity or hate speech will not be permitted. Please keep it PLUR.
Ticketing FAQ
- Are tickets expected to sell out?
There is always a chance that the event will sell out, in which case no more tickets will be sold. So, get your tickets now—we want to make sure you don’t miss out!
- What payment methods can be used to purchase tickets?
Credit, debit, PayPal, and Venmo are accepted.
- What is the maximum number of tickets I can buy?
Tickets are limited to four (4) per person.
- Should I receive a confirmation email for my purchase?
You should receive a confirmation email within moments of purchase. If you do not (be sure to check your junk folder), please contact Front Gate Tickets.
- What if I purchased tickets but my card hasn’t been charged yet?
Your card should be charged within two business days. If you do not see the charge on your account, please contact Front Gate Tickets.
- My tickets will be delivered via mobile delivery, when will I receive them?
Tickets will be emailed the week of the event. If you have not received your tickets within one week of the event, please contact Front Gate Tickets.
- How can I avoid ticket fraud?
The best way to avoid ticket fraud is to buy directly from Front Gate. If you buy resale tickets, we advise you to get them only from trusted friends. DO NOT purchase from scalpers. If you arrive at the venue with an illegitimate ticket, you will be turned away, and no refund will be provided.
- Will passes be available for Insomniac Passport members?
Yes! Stay tuned. Insomniac Passport info is coming soon. Please stay tuned to your email for more details from your Passport Concierge!
- Will VIP Passes be available?
Limited VIP Passes are available for purchase.
Event FAQ
- What time does the event start & end?
Event Hours:
2pm - 11pmBox Office / Will Call Hours:
2pm - 8pm
- Can I enter anytime?
As long as you are holding a valid ticket that has not yet been scanned, you may enter until an hour before the end of the event. Ins & outs are not allowed.
- Will set times get posted in advance?
Yes. During the days leading up to the event, set times will be posted via this site, our social media sites, and email updates (sign up for emails at the bottom of this page). Note: The lineup is subject to change.
- Can I see a map ahead of time?
Yes. Maps showing stage locations, food, bathrooms, etc. will be available prior to the event on this site and/or our social channels.
- Is re-entry allowed?
No, ins-and-outs are not allowed.
- What is the camera policy?
Professional photographers must obtain a photo pass using our press submission form. Do not email your request. Photo passes are not required for standard cameras that do not have detachable lenses or handheld video devices under 6″. Professional video cameras are not permitted.
- What can I bring with me?
See our complete list of Acceptable and Prohibited Items.
- Will there be a lost & found?
Lost & Found services will be available at the venue during the event. Hours and location coming soon.
- Can I hang posters or hand out flyers?
Do not hang posters or hand out flyers inside the event or in the surrounding neighborhood. Anyone violating this policy will be banned from promoting at our events.
- I’m under 21. Can I attend with a legal guardian?
No one under the age of 21 will be allowed into the venue, with or without a guardian.
- What kind of ID do I need?
You must present identification to enter the event and/or buy alcohol. See the complete list of acceptable and unacceptable forms of ID.
- What if my ID is lost or expired?
Security will accept expired ID cards ONLY if accompanied by DMV renewal documentation. If your ID was lost or stolen, you must bring a government-issued interim license or passport.
- Can I use a consular ID or foreign driver’s license?
Consular IDs are not considered acceptable identification. Foreign government-issued driver’s licenses are acceptable with a photocopy of a passport. A foreign government-issued passport will work on its own.